Tourist Rights and Protection

Greece has a two-pronged approach to tourist protection: consumer protection laws and tourism-specific regulations.
Here’s a breakdown:

Consumer Protection Laws:

  • General Coverage: Tourists benefit from Greece’s overall consumer protection laws, which apply to all transactions you make in the country [1]. This means you have rights as a consumer, not just a tourist. All enterprises, regardless of their nature, are obliged to issue written receipts for the total amount they receive.
  • Receipts are Key: By law, all businesses, including those in the tourism sector, must provide written receipts for the total amount paid [2]. Keeping these receipts is crucial if you encounter any issues and need to make a claim.

While these measures offer a safety net, it’s always wise for tourists to be informed consumers.

Tourism-Specific Regulations:

  • Standardized Licensing: Accommodation providers need a special operating license, ensuring they meet specific standards [2, 3]. This helps ensure a baseline level of quality and safety for tourists.
  • Advertised Amenities Must Be Delivered: Licensed hotels and similar establishments are obligated to provide the amenities they advertise [2]. If you book a room with a balcony and pool access, you should get them!
  • Deposit Limits & Cancellation Rules: There are limitations on deposit amounts for accommodation bookings (usually no more than 25% of the total cost) [1]. Cancellation policies are also regulated, providing some protection for both tourists and businesses [1].

Additional Resources:

  • Tourist Protection Line: The Tourist Protection Line in Greece is 1571. You can call this number 24/7 to report any problems or concerns you encounter as a tourist. This line connects you with the Tourist Police who can assist you.

Tourists visiting Rhodes in need of assistance regarding their rights or want to report a misconduct, may contact the following Authorities:

[1] Tourism – GREEK LAW DIGEST The Official Guide to Greek Law. The institutional framework of tourism in Greece is determined by two basic laws, namely the Law 2160/1993 (Government Gazette 118/A) and the Law 4276/2014 …

[2] Travel tips when travelling to Greece. When travelling to Greece, it is advisable to bear in mind the following: As a consumer, you are protected by Greek consumer protection law for all …

[3] Travel Tips – Visit Greece In case of omission or infringement of the above, you can call to Tourist Police in 1571 (24/7 in operation).