Museum of Modern Greek Art of Rhodes

The Museum of Modern Greek Art of Rhodes in Nestoridio Melathro Venue hosts one of most significant collections of Modern Greek paintings. Featuring works by K. Maleas, G. Bouzianis, F. Kontoglou, Theofilos, S.Vasiliou, N. Hadjikyriakos – Gikas, Y. Spyropoulos and other prominent Greek artists, is an invaluable experience for the scholar of the Modern Greek painting. The visitor can see some of the most significant examples of their work.
Many of the paintings have been part of official exhibitions, both in Greece and abroad. Alongside the masters, other important artistic expressions in a display complemented the intellectual character of each decade and each major historical period. With a few exceptions – mostly regarding recent generations of artists who are still developing their style and technique – the Municipal Gallery of Rhodes is a highly representative museum of the Greek Art of this century.
With the sole exception of the painting by Angelos Yiallinas, the works in the Municipal Art Gallery of Rhodes belong to artists born after 1863.
The first group contains fifteen artists, the most prominent of which are undoubtedly K. Maleas, K. Parthenis and Theofilos Hadzimihail. The second of the aforementioned groups includes D. Galanis, G. Gounaropoulos, F. Kontoglou, N. Lytras, G. Bouzianis, S. Papaloukas. The third group is consisted of forty artists (S. Vassiliou, A. Kontopoulos, N. Nikolaou, N. Hatzikyriakos – Ghikas and others); the fourth group features about thirty works, including the painters D. Diamantopoulos, N. Engonopoulos, Y. Moralis, D. Mytaras, G. Sikeliotis, Y. Spyropoulos, Y. Tsarouhis and others. The fifth group includes artists born between the wars, with approximately forty works by artists such as Y. Gaitis, G. Ioannou, N. Kessanlis, P. Tetsis, A. Fassianos, and others. The last group contains relatively fewer works, about ten in number, by artists such as H. Botsoglou, T. Patraskidis, Y. Psychopedis, O. Zouni and others.
During the last few years, the Museum has created the Department of Educational Programmes, creatively cooperating with the Primary and Secondary Education Offices, the University of the Aegean, and many other organisations. The specialised personnel organises educational programs and offers a variety of workshops and educational material to the children and adolescents of Rhodes, Dodecanese and the rest of Greece.
Today the Gallery hosts 690 exhibits. Only 90 are available for the public to visit. The paintings exhibited are changed at regular intervals.
The Museum of Modern Greek Art is a non-profitable foundation, open to all, independently of nationality, origin or religion. Its aims are the research, acquisition, study, preservation, exhibition and promotion of works of art created in the Greek cultural area or related to the Greek culture, during modern times mostly, namely the 15th century and onwards, and more specifically from the foundation of the modern Greek nation (1832) and onwards. The final goals of its activities are the promotion of Greek Modern Art to the local, national and international public, especially from a cultural, educational, national and social aspect.
Gavriil Charitou Sq. Rhodes 85100